It doesn’t come as a surprise that we are amidst a second lockdown in the face of the exponentially amounting COVID cases. Along with this, we need to understand how we will navigate our shopping experiences as we approach Christmas. From the perspective of the business owner, one needs to understand what will drive customers to their online marketplace as brick and mortar shut down throughout lockdown. This can be achieved through finding the right imagery for your online store.
Jeffrey Rosenberg Photography has been servicing small businesses in building their online presence through retail photography. We bring solutions to problems that might arise because of the COVID pandemic. It is our goal to work alongside companies to deliver flawless photography that can be used throughout all social and eCommerce platforms.
By bringing suitable images to small businesses to use, we are enhancing the shopping experience of the customers looking to shop in the face of COVID. Through our help, we can continue to keep the retail industry running even as physical locations close, bringing business to small vendors and artisanal shops that will bring joy to our gift-giving this season.