If you happen to be in charge of marketing a school or education center to potential students or parents, it is essential that you find a way to draw them in. While in-person tours are incredibly effective, they are not currently taking place due to the COVID-19.
And with many clients and parents out of New York City but eager to begin the process of touring schools for their children, there is no better time to use virtual tours as a way to showcase your space during this difficult time.
A virtual tour will help future students and parents become comfortable and familiar with your facility. Virtual tours are also something to help your website stand out in a very engaging way, as not all school websites offer them.
Overall, virtual tours are a great addition to a website, and in the case of schools will likely convince viewers to apply to your school or even attend.
If you are in need of a virtual tour for your school or university. We would love to help build a virtual tour for you that makes your school stand out from the rest!
Check our website for more information: